Thursday, March 5, 2020



I adore you, O Christ, and I bless you.

Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world

I had wanted to pace myself better to make it to Calvary without another fall. But I tripped.  This fall shows me up for being a human as nothing else on my way to Calvary. I had enough strength and presence of mind to avoid it. 

Why did I fall? I think I was lulled into a momentary lapse. Simon had eased my burden. Veronica had soothed my sweaty face. A breeze had cooled my body. What flashed in my mind was that these fleeting strokes of good fortune meant I could somehow bypass the rest of the journey. Before I even recognized that as a temptation, I fell.

I smiled, the only time I remember smiling on my way to crucifixion. I smiled because I recognized how deeply I was like other people in being tempted to cheat my Father.  What a profound lesson for you! 

Momentary good fortune does not mean the struggle is over. You may be about to fall harder. Both good and bad are fleeting in this life. Do not count on them. Count on nothing except my Father.

Lord Jesus, help me walk in your steps.

May God Be Praised!

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