Saturday, September 30, 2023

Blog Post 9/30/2023 – Death Is Something We Cannot Avoid


 Death Is Something We Cannot Avoid


Death is a subject we usually avoid talking about or think about, Henri Nouwen remarked, "Some people say they are afraid of death. Others say they are not. But most people are quite afraid of dying….  But whatever we think or hope, the way we will die is unpredictable and our worries about it quite fruitless.”

Jesus said, “listens my words, and acts on them. That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when the flood came, the river burst against that house but could not shake it because it had been well built.”

Pray to Jesus, Walk with Jesus, Live with Jesus and when you die you will die with Jesus and enter “the land of the living.”

May God Be Praised.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Blog Post 9/29/2023 – An Insight into the Parables of Jesus


An Insight into the Parables of Jesus

Fr. Gerhard Lohfink writes, “In the case of biblical parables we must always expect that the addressees will be brought into a situation in which they believe they are going to enjoy a thrilling story—and then all at once everything changes: they are confronted with the will of God or the evil situation in which they are living in God’s eyes.”  [The Forty Parables of Jesus, p.17]

Today select your favorite parable and accept the will of God contained in it and work on doing God’s Will.


May God Be Praised.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blog Post 9/28/2023 – Forgiveness



Forgiveness is about returning, returning again and again. I drift away from God, and I need to return.  Someone hurts me and I need to return to Forgiveness.  Life here on earth means returning again and again to offering and accepting forgiveness when it is offered.

May God Be Praised.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog Post 9/27/2023 - St. Vincent de Paul


 St. Vincent de Paul

“I am sent not only to love God but to make Him loved. It is not enough for me to love God, if my neighbor does not love Him."

Vincent de Paul offers us profound advice, take a few minutes today to reflect on his advice.


May God Be Praised

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog Post 9/26/2023 – God’s love & mercy


God’s love & mercy

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.  Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin…. 

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” [Psalm 51]


Merciful God I treasure Your love, fill me with gratitude for You.


May God Be Praised.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Blog Post 9/25/2023 – God alone Suffices.


God alone Suffices


St. Teresa of Avila offers us this advice, "Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices."

“Perhaps we do not know what love is, nor does this greatly surprise me. Love does not consist in great sweetness of devotion, but in a fervent determination to strive to please God in all things, in avoiding, as far as possible, all that would offend Him, and in praying for the increase of the glory and honor of His Son and for the growth of the Catholic Church.”


Today let nothing disturb you and focus your actions on pleasing God; you will be filled with joy.


May God Be Praised.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Blog Thought 9/24/2023 - Your Value!

Your Value!

“Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.” [St. Francis de Sales]

You are loved by God.


May God Be Praised.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Blog Post 9/23/2023 - Homily 9/22/2023 School Mass at OLPH

Homily 9/22/2023 School Mass at OLPH

St. Paul in his letter to Timothy offers us guidelines for life: righteous, devotion, faith, love, patience and gentleness; they are excellent guidelines for us to follow.  Our presider this morning is Fr. Dan Lannon, OSFS, and Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.  They administer De Sales University, where Fr. Dan is the chaplain.  The Oblates follow the inspiration of St. Francis de Sales who said, “Be who you are and be that well to give honor to the master craftsman’s whose handiwork you are.”  


Each one of us has been given a glimpse of the master craftsman that we are called to share with the world.  If we share that glimpse the world will be illumined, it will be brighter, if we don’t the world will be darker.

Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are each, we are all called to proclaim the Gospel by our lives.  In Psalm 51 from Morning prayer [today], we ask God for Wisdom, “Indeed You love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom.”  We began this school year emphasizing preparation and participation in Mass.  We do not come to Mass as a spectator, but to join with the priest, the deacon and our community  to serve God.   


How we enter, How we are present, How we kneel, sit and stand are important. Our reception of the Eucharist [sacred nourishment]—is a special time.  Our awareness the attentiveness of our mind and our heart are very important.   


How can we give to God our: Personal Best, Act Responsibly, Work & Play Safe and Show Respect?  By Entering/Walking into church – with prayer hands aware that we are visiting a special person’s home.  Then attentively make 1. The sign of the cross and use Holy Water, from the Baptismal Font [2 fingers].  2. We remind ourselves to enter Church is silence because we are entering holy space.  Then, 3. we Genuflect or Bowing [simple or solemn] toward the Tabernacle.  4. If we go past the Altar, we make a simple or profound bow.  5. When we receiving Holy Communion [our hands a throne] or Receiving a Blessing [we cross our arms o our chest], we are profoundly reverent doing either.  6. When we sing hymns and/or responses we do so with our voice and our heart.  7. After Mass we Depart Church – remembering our call to “... go in peace, glorifying the Lord by our life.  8. In all we do we offer these things to honor God and to thank God for creating us.

May God Be Praised.


Friday, September 22, 2023

Blog Post 9/22/2023 – The sand, the ocean & the sky

The sand, the ocean & the sky

"A grain of sand reminds us of God’s never ending care, the ocean reminds us of the depth of God’s love, and the sky reminds us of the vastness of God’s mercy."







Today, may we give thanks and praise to God for His: care, love & mercy!



May God Be Praised!


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Blog Post 9/21/2023 - Finding God - “Be still and know that I am God ….” [Psalm 46]

Finding God - “Be still and know that I am God ….” [Psalm 46]

At the mountain of God, Horeb, Elijah came to a cave where he took shelter.
Then the LORD said to him, Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;
the LORD will be passing by."

A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake there was fire—but the LORD was not in the fire.
After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.
[1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a]

Today remember God is with you.


May God Be Praised.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blog Post 9/20/2023 - The Alpha & the Omega


The Alpha & the Omega

“Jesus You are the Alpha and Omega, Your light of hope brightens the darkness in our world. May we be faithful disciples of Your Gospel and allow Your light of hope to shine through us.”

Jesus is the way, the truth & the light, we are at our best when we follow Him.



                                                    As morning breaks let us Praise God.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Blog Post 9/19/2023 - Praying.



Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal. You are faithful, you are just; give answer….  In the morning let me know your love for I put my trust in you.

Make me know the way I should walk: to you I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 143)


May God Be Praised!

Monday, September 18, 2023

Blog Post 9/18/2023 - Thanksgiving for deliverance


Thanksgiving for deliverance

“Then they cried to the Lord in their need
and he rescued them from their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper:
all the waves of the sea were hushed.
They rejoiced because of the calm
and he led them to the haven they desired.”
  Psalm 107

The Lord will still your storms or give you the strength to weather them, trust in the Lord.


May God Be Praised.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Homily Cycle A 9/17/2023 – 24 the Sunday offered at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bethlehem, PA


24th Sunday offered at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bethlehem, PA Readings:


Today’s Scripture Message is both daunting & formidable in scope and depth.  The comedian, actor, writer and singer George Burns said, “the secret of a good sermon [homily] is to have a good beginning and a good ending; & have the two as close as possible.”  Today, I will try to follow that advice.


There is an Irish Blessing that goes like this: “May those who love us, love us; and those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts and if he doesn’t turn their hearts; may God turn their ankles, so we’ll know them by their limping.”  That Irish Blessing is funny, but it doesn’t encourage forgiveness!


Forgiveness is learned the hard way – practice, practice, practice.  In today’s Gospel Peter finds out that there is No Limit to the number of times we are called to forgive.  Sirach tells us, “Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.”  It was difficult for Peter to accept and to practice, and it is difficult for us!  Forgiveness is hard to offer and sometimes very hard to accept; it is mercy in action - mercy based on justice.  Jesus wants us to offer forgiveness and forgo revenge while retaining our dignity as people created by God.


Our Readings warn us about letting our hearts become hardened; about revenge & anger being the source of our actions and our attitudes.  Forgiveness begins with empathy, with overcoming our anger and outrage at the injustice done to us,  but instead focusing on the person who wronged us.  It, also, means possessing the humility to face the hurt we have inflicted & seek forgiveness.  “Forgiveness is the currency of heaven.”  [Saint Louis University Sunday Web Site, 9/17/2023]


It doesn't bring reconciliation immediately…. it begins the healing.  Martin Luther King, Jr. gave us this profound insight, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  [A Gift of Love, Martin Luther King, Jr]



People who choose to forgive rather than to seek revenge are souls of great strength and they give us a glimpse of our best selves.  Sometimes we rationalize our anger as “justified anger” for someone who wronged us, so maybe this story can help us.


“Forgiveness Written in Stone”

Two friends who were walking through the desert, they argued, and one friend slapped the other one in the face, he said nothing but wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend slapped me in the face."  They kept on walking until they found an oasis; the one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, his friend saved him.

After he recovered from nearly drowning, he wrote on a stone, "Today my best friend saved my life."  His friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand & now, you write on a stone, why?  He replied, "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. When someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it." [Stephen Felker, How Often Should I Forgive? By Sermons.Com]


“God’s love isn’t a reward for being good … God loves us because God is love.”  [Saint Louis University Sunday Web Site, 9/17/2023]  On the Cross Jesus taught us when He prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!”  The English poet George Herbert wrote, “He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.”


Pray to God, “Anoint me with Your forgiveness as You fill me with the Blessings of Repentance and a Renewed commitment to follow You.  Grant me the fortitude to make You the center of my life.”  [Deacon George Kelly]

If you struggle with the Christian call to offer and accept Forgiveness, take a little time and read a terrific book, Don’t Forgive Too Soon: Extending the Two Hands That Heal.  [Dennis, Shelia & Matthew Linn]


Spend a few minutes, now, reflecting on: Do you need to forgive someone?  Do you need to accept the Forgiveness that has been offered to you?


May God Be Praised.





Saturday, September 16, 2023

Blog Post 9/16/2023 – Following the Way

Following the Way

“Incline my heart according to Your Will, O God.”

Praying it is easy, following God’s inclination given to us is difficult, but do the best you can, and God will be pleased.  When tomorrow becomes today, begin anew.


May God Be Praised.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Blog Post 9/15/2023 - Blessed Mother intercede for us.



Blessed Mother intercede for us.


In the storms of life, in the dark moments of life, in the tensions around us – Mary reminds us to go to her Son, where we find peace, light and love.  One of the great lessons we can learn from Mary to “listen attentively” to her Son.  “Mary had a lifelong habit of listening to God’s love. She knew the Holy Spirit when she received it.” [John Foley, S.J.]


May God Be Praised.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Blog Post 9/14/2023 - Prudence



“The true virtue of prudence ought to be really practiced, the more so because it is like spiritual salt that gives taste and savor to all the other virtues.”

[The Art of Loving God, St. Francis de Sales]


Prudence is a virtue that we should practice faithfully.


May God Be Praised.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Blog Post 9/13/2023 - Prayer to aid us in our Examen [examination of conscience].



Prayer to aid us in our Examen [examination of conscience].


Dear God, I offer You my good deeds and my gratitude for Your love and Your patience.  The Psalmist instructs us to live “… like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters ….”  Our flowing water is Your Grace.  St. Francis de Sales offers us this insight, “The good [person] is like a tree planted by the waterside that will bring forth its fruit in due season, because when a soul is watered with charity, it brings forth good works seasonably and with discretion.”  And de Sales offers us this guiding principle, "What is the prize if is not Jesus Christ?  How can you take hold of him if you do not follow him." 

Lord thank you, for today, with each of its joys and each of its sorrows.  As the sun begins to set, quiet my heart, my mind and my soul so I can ponder my faithfulness.  Take my failures, fill them with Your Grace and make good come from them.    

May the silence of this night, its darkness and quiet, prepare me for tomorrow and enable me to be grateful, as I bless Your holy name.  Give me the Courage to do Your Will for Your Honor and Your Glory.  Anoint me with Your forgiveness as You fill me with the Blessings of Repentance and a Renewed commitment to follow You.  Grant me the fortitude to make You the center of my life.  [Dcn. George Kelly]

 May God Be Praised.