Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Daily Dose of God

The Season of "Waiting, of Remembering" begins anew - Jesus is the reason for the season.  "He will destroy death for ever.  The Lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek." 

My Prayer for you this Advent is “May Christ Be Born In You”, take a few minutes to read and reflect on this story.

Sue Monk Kidd, in one of her books, recalls her youth and how she would prepare for Christmas. In early December, she would sit by the wooden nativity set clustered under their Christmas tree and think over the last year of her life. She would think deeply about Christmas and the coming of Jesus. 

She remembers, one time, visiting a monastery. It was a couple of weeks before Christmas. As she passed a monk walking outside, she greeted him with, "Merry Christmas." The monk's response caught her off guard a bit. "May Christ be born in you," he replied.


His words seemed strange and peculiar at the time. What did he mean, "May Christ be born in you?" At the time she was unsure of what he meant, but now all these years later, sitting beside the Christmas tree, she felt the impact of his words. She discovered that Advent is a time of spiritual preparation. It is "discovering our soul and letting Christ be born from the waiting heart." [King Duncan, Sermons.Com]

During this Advent spend a few minutes, in silence, contemplating the fact that the Word of God became man and lived among us, and even today is with us. 

May Christ be born in you today and every day. 

May God Be Praised!



                                        COVID PANDEMIC PRAYER

You are my refuge and my hope, I turn to You during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….” strength to the first responders, compassion and endurance to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Send Your light to guide me as I wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give me the solace of Your eternal love today.  Amen.  [Psalm 143 and Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic Adopted by Dcn. George Kelly]





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