Monday, December 14, 2020

A Daily Dose of God - Hope is the Antidote


Hope is the Antidote to COVID’s Pandemic and Advent’s Gift to each one of us.  Jesus is our life, our Hope; He is THE SEASON!


People in the O.T.  Hoped for big things:

the desert to become fertile,    

their scattered and divided people would be gathered again,

the blind would see,

the deaf would hear,

the lame would walk,

the blessings of everlasting peace.


Many of us are anxious about the pandemic and the holidays, we need to remember what Jesus told Martha “you are anxious about many things, Mary has chosen the better part.”  Hope is the perfect antidote to Anxiety, especially the anxiety produced by the COVID Pandemic.


To deal with anxiety we need to: put our mind at rest and be at peace, then do what we need to do, but do it gently, trade in Control for Hope and Trust in the Lord, He is with us on our journey.  Remembering that God is with us; what more can we ask for – our Hope is based on our Faith. 


Jesus calls you and me to Hope in Him and in His promises!  “In the end, we are really only what we are before almighty God.” (de Sales) 


Teilhard de Chardin prayed, “Above all, trust the slow work of God.  We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay ….  Give Our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.” (Patient Trust)


Our HOPE really lies knowing that the God of the Universe waits for our heart and so we pray: You are my refuge and my hope, I turn to You during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….” strength to the first responders, compassion and endurance to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Send Your light to guide me as I wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give me the solace of Your eternal love today.  Amen.  [Psalm 143 and Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic Adopted by Dcn. George Kelly]



May God Be Praised!


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