Saturday, January 14, 2023

Blog Post 1/14/2023 - Fighting Temptation, be ready with advice from a saint



St. Basil the Great said, "As the pilot of a vessel is tried in the storm; as the wrestler is tried in the ring, the soldier in the battle, and the hero in adversity so is the Christian tried in temptation."



We face temptations regularly, St. Francis de Sales recommends we deal with them this way, In his classic work Introduction to the Devout Life, explains what to do when you are initially tempted.


So soon as you feel yourself anywise tempted, do as our little children when they see a wolf or a bear in the mountains.  Forthwith they run to the protection of their father or mother, or at least cry out for help.  Do you fly in like manner to God, claiming His compassion and succor,—it is the remedy taught us by our Lord Himself: “Pray that ye enter not into temptation."


Another effective way to combat temptation is to simply divert your attention to something else, engaging in a different activity.  Divert your mind with any right and healthy occupation, for if that takes possession and fills your thoughts, it will drive away temptation and evil imaginations.

If the temptation persists there is another remedy. 

...hasten in spirit to embrace the holy Cross, as though you beheld Jesus Christ Crucified actually Present.  Make firm protests against consenting, and ask His Help thereto; and, so long as the temptation lasts, do you persist in making acts of non-consent. But while making these acts … look solely on Our Lord ….

Temptation can be difficult to resist, but with God’s help, all things are possible.

May God Be Praised.

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