Thursday, January 12, 2023

Blog Post 1/12/2023 – Thoughts on Ordinary Time for OLPH Religious Education Students

Some Thoughts on Ordinary Time for OLPH Religious Education Students

Our Christmas Season ended this past Monday [1/09/2023] when we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord.  We are now in Ordinary Time, but as Baptized Catholics – Ordinary time is the usual order – from the Latin word ordinarius.

Each of us was Baptized because our parents loved us so much, they wanted God in our hearts & souls.  Baptism is God’s most beautiful gift. . . . the gift of God’s grace.

Jesus said, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you.”  Baptism washes us with God’s grace & washes away Original Sin.  It is the moment when the Holy Spirit draws into the very life of the Blessed Trinity.

Jesus was Baptized but why He was true God & true man like us in every way but sin.  So Why?

Pope Benedict XVI in his book Jesus of Nazareth, offers a whole chapter on Jesus’ baptism.

1.     In ancient times water conjured up two images: death & life.

2.     The ocean a symbol of death, the destructive power of the flood . . .

3.     The flowing waters of the river were a symbol of life.  

Baptism represents death & new life.

4.     Jesus is His Baptism by John points to His Cross Resurrection.

5.     The baptism of the Lord also reminds us of our own baptism, which allows us to participate in Jesus’ victory over sin & death BUT calls us become saints.

Who are the saints?  The word “saint” derives from the Greek term hagios, which means “the holy ones.”  To be a saint is to be all that we were created to be St. Francis de Sales advised us “To be who we are and be that well.” 

We are children of God baptized to be saints.  Each one of us can do that we follow God’s Will, if we live the Beatitudes that Jesus gave us.  Being a holy person just means being, with God’s considerable help, the person you were created to be.

“Be who you are and be that well.”  [St. Francis de Sales]


May God Be Praised.

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