Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Blog Post 11/23/2021 – Why are we here on earth?


                    Why are we here on earth?

During November as we pray for our relatives, friends and all of the faithfully departed take a few minutes to reflect on: When will I come to the end of my pilgrimage and enter the presence of God?”  [Ant. 1 M.P. 11/22/2021]

In our Psalm Prayer we call out to God, “Inspire us to yearn for you always, like the deer for running streams, until you satisfy every longing in heaven.”


Keeping in mind that in Revelation [22:17] we are taught, “Let all who thirst come; let all who desire it, drink from the life-giving water.”   We are on earth to drink from the well of God’s love until we are with the Lord forever in heaven.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Andre Bessette, intercede for us. 

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

“Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.”  [St. Brendan the Navigator]


May God Be Praised and your day be Blessed.





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