Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Prayer for an End to the Covid 19 Pandemic

During our current Pandemic, we can use Social Distancing, washing our hands with soap & water [or puerile], staying at home and wearing our mask as prayers, asking God to help us end the COVID 19 Pandemic, asking God to help those suffering the most in this crisis.   

St. Luke reminds us about proper social distance, “… all his acquaintances stood at a distance ….”  [Luke 23]

Brother Mickey McGrath Who would have ever thought that Pilate would remind us to wash our hands?

Today take a few minutes to focus on God’s Gift of FAITH and renew your commitment to allow that gift to form you with GRATITUDE!  The COVID 19 Pandemic challenges to think about our perspective on life itself: the peaks and valleys, the joys and sorrows, and the successes and failures.  Each one of them can help us grow closer to God; closer to our creator.

Consider the parable of the workers in the vineyard [Matthew 20], they were each paid the same wage.  Robert De Moor wrote, “This parable … offends our sense of fairness.  Why should everyone get equal pay for unequal work?  Back in Ontario when the apples ripened, Mom would sit all seven of us down, Dad included, with pans and pairing knives until the of fruit was reduced to neat rows of filled canning jars. 

She never bothered keeping track of how many we did, though the younger ones undoubtedly proved more of a nuisance than help: cut fingers, squabbles over who got which pan, apple core fight. … when the job was done, the reward for everyone was the same: the largest chocolate-dipped cone money could buy.  A stickler could argue it wasn’t quite fair since the older ones actually peeled apples. 

But I can’t remember anyone complaining about it.  A family understands it operates under a different set of norms…. God wants all his children to enjoy the complete fullness of eternal.  (Sermon Illustrations 09/18/11)

God wants each of us to know that His love is personal and total.  God loves the first responders and those of us who are in our homes.  We cannot earn God’s love – we can only accept it or reject it!  We can allow God’s love to form us and guide us or ignore the wonderful gift God offers! 

Many are sick and we should pray for them, their families, the medical people treating them and for our government leaders.  We can pray for them when we are washing our hands, when we stand 6 feet apart or wear our mask in public.  These COVID 19 actions can remind us of our need to pray at the beginning of the day, in the middle of the day, at evening or all day and night.  May the water you use to wash your hands remind you of your Baptism when you became a child of God.  God wants you to know He is listening and as Julian of Norwich wrote, “All shall be well, all manner of things shall be well.”  Give your anxiety, your worries and your cares to Jesus, He will take care of them.

May God Be Blessed!

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