Saturday, February 12, 2022

Blog Post – 2/12/2022 – An umbrella and an oboe, you need both

An umbrella and an oboe, you need both


Orchestras traditionally tune their instruments to the oboe.

Jesus is the oboe of our lives.  So, we must tune our lives to Jesus & His Word and His Sacrament.


There is a story about a Midwestern town that was experiencing a bad drought. Crops were dying, and the livelihood of the farm town was threatened. A local pastor decided to hold a prayer service and asked all the townsfolk to come.

They were instructed to bring with them symbols of their faith that God would deliver them …. there was … one small girl …. [who] came to the front and slowly opened her symbol of faith ... a brightly colored umbrella.  She knew what it meant to expect something from God!  []


Jesus is the oboe of our lives.  So, we must tune our lives to Jesus, His Word and His Sacrament and bring the open umbrella of our faith.



Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

May God Be Praised and your day be Blessed.












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