Friday, September 4, 2020

A Daliy Dose of God

Some Questions & Some Thoughts on Prayer

What does prayer mean?
Why Pray?
When should we pray?
How should we pray?
Is Praying a joy or a burden?

Prayer is how we relate to God; it means building a relationship with God!

Prayer can be formal or informal, some formal prayers are: Hail Mary, Our Father, Angelus, Liturgy of the Hours, Exposition/Benediction, Stations of the Cross, The Eucharist (the source & summit).

Grace before & after meals can be formal or informal, shared prayer is usually informal as is quiet time with God.

Sometimes our prayers take a funny and/or embarrassing turn, “A woman invited some people to dinner.  When it was time for dinner, she asked her daughter to say grace.

“I wouldn’t know what to say!” 
“Just Say what you hear Mommy say!” 
“Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”
It is a prayer from the heart, the heart of the little girl and the heart of her Mom.

Take some prayer time today and think about how you give glory to God.


May God Be Praised!

Hear my cry!  “Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.” [Psalm 143]   God, You are our refuge and our hope, I turn to you during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….” [Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic]

Provide strength to the first responders, compassion to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Bring Your light to all who wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give us hope in Your eternal love today and every day.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]

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