Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Daily Dose of God


Homily Cycle A [23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9/06/2020] Readings:


The comedian George Burns said, “the secret of a good sermon [homily] is to have a good beginning and a good ending; And have the two as close as possible.”  I will attempt to do that with this homily.


Jesus proclaims in the Gospel where 2 or 3 gather in His name, He is there with them.  Today’s scripture readings, also, remind us that we are responsible for each other.  Ezekiel is appointed watchman for his people; the question for us is, is God just calling Ezekiel or is God calling each one of us?


Many Christian thinkers believe that God’s appointment of Ezekiel is meant to apply to each one of us.  We are responsible to look out for God’s people, and one of the best ways to accomplish that is to live a life of service and love.  St. Paul synthesized Jesus’ teaching succinctly, “love your neighbor as yourself.”  That should be our rule of life, that is how we should measure our success.


Msgr. [Sacks] began our liturgy offering this prayer: “O God, by whom we are redeemed and receive adoption, look graciously upon your beloved sons & daughters ….” [Collect, 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time]


You may have heard the expression, “Don’t sweat the Small Stuff It’s all Small Stuff.” [Robert Eliot, quoted by Richard Carlson] Jesus doesn’t want us anxious or afraid, He wants us to fulfill His law of love.  A Christian does All the Stuff, Big and Small for Jesus.


When we gather around the Eucharistic Table we come for nourishment, encouragement and strength so we can do God’s work each day of our life.  “The task that faces us in the world is awesome, & the obstacles are formidable.” 

[St. Louis University, Sunday Web Site, Gerald Darring, 9/06/2020]


Think about the problems that exists in our society: the COVID -19 Pandemic, racism, sexism, violence, unemployment and the many other injustices that confront us.  Maybe God sent Pope Francis as a watchman or a prophet.  On March 25, 2020 he said, “In these days of trial, as humanity trembles at the threat of

the [coronavirus] pandemic, I would propose that all Christians join their voices together to heaven.” 


We prayed in our Responsorial Psalm that our hearts not be hardened and that we would “… bow down in worship: kneel before the Lord….”  We can kneel before the Lord in many different ways.


This story may show us how we can kneel before the Lord.  “Inspiring couple radically change their wedding plans to serve others” Newlyweds donated their wedding reception food to a shelter.  Newlyweds Tyler and Melanie Tapajna from Cleveland, Ohio had planned to marry in August with 150 guests.  However, with the pandemic they chose a smaller wedding.  One big ? they faced was what to do with all the food they’d ordered for their reception.


They decided to donate the food to Laura’s Home, a woman & children’s shelter in Cleveland.  Then they went to the shelter in all their wedding clothes & served the food to the 135 woman and children living there.  While wearing hairnets & masks, the they happily dished out fried chicken, green beans, salad & mac and cheese to those at the shelter.  It was not their dream wedding, but it was a wonderful start to married life: being united in serving others.  [Adopted from Cerith Gardiner,, Aug 28, 2020] 


Jesus wants us to work at our discipleship, He wants to find ways to love our neighbor.  For a few minutes, in silence, reflect on how you can live your discipleship more fully.


May God Be Praised!


Hear my cry!  “Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.” [Psalm 143]  God, You are our refuge and our hope, I turn to you during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….” [Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic]


Provide strength to the first responders, compassion to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Bring Your light to all who wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give us hope in Your eternal love today and every day.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]




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