Saturday, August 15, 2020

St. Francis de Sales wrote, “Let the waves roar all around you.  Let the wind blow.  Let the world turn upside down.  Let everything be in darkness, in smoke, in confusion.  Your angels are around you like sentinels of God.  Nothing can hurt you.  God is near.”

During this COVID 19 Pandemic, we should focus on the nearness of God, in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the books we read, the prayers we offer, and, in the people, we interact with.

The prophet Micah said, “Come, let us climb the Lord’s mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob.  That He will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.  [Micah 4:2]
And, the apostle John wrote, “The Messiah, who is called the Christ, is coming.
When he comes, he will teach us everything.  He will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.”  [John 4:25]

When we read, the Scriptures, we encounter the living God.  “Lord Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, you declared that whoever receives a little child in your name receives you, and you promised your kingdom to those who are like children. Never let pride reign in our hearts but may the Father’s compassion reward and embrace all who willingly bear your gentle yoke.”  [Liturgy of the Hours]

The famous French Philosopher Albert Camus reflected, “Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside and be my friend.”  Jesus is willing to walk beside us, until we are open to allowing Him to lead us, then “… all will be well ….”

May God Be Praised!

Join me and cry out from the depths of your heart to the Lord who hears us. 

“Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.” [Psalm 143]
God, You are our refuge and our hope, we turn to you during this COVID 19 pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….” [Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic]
Provide strength to the first responders and medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Bring Your light to all who wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give each of us hope in Your eternal love today and every day.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]

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