Friday, May 17, 2024

Blog Post 5/17/2024 – Homily Cycle ii Offered at OLPH School Mass

Homily Cycle II 5/17/2024 – Offered at OLPH School Mass


I think just about everybody has heard of Pope Francis and many people have heard of Bishop Barron.  They are similar to St. Peter and St. Paul from today’s readings.  Pope Francis is the successor to St. Peter and Bishop Barron is a great evangelist like St. Paul.

In the Acts of the Apostles Paul is surrounded by people who accused him of preaching that Jesus rose from the dead.   In the Gospel we heard that Jesus had breakfast with His Apostles and asked Peter to lead The Church.  So what is Jesus asking of Peter and what is Jesus saying to Peter?

In the Gospel Jesus asked Peter to make “following Him”, the focus of His life.

This coming Sunday is Pentecost, the birthday of the Church.  As our Easter Season draws to a close, we are reminded  that the Church is a precious gift and our spiritual inheritance.  The Sacraments nourish us in this life, so we like St. Peter and St. Paul, like, Pope Francis and Bishop Barron we can follow Jesus and share His message.  Today’s Gospel reminds us of the transformative power of love & that following Jesus should be our top priority in life.

May God Be Praised.

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