Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blog Post 5/09/2024 - A Reflection on Why Jesus Died and Why Jesus Rose.


Jesus suffered and died to teach us that this life is not the end all and be all.  We are here on earth, spiritual beings discovering God’s Love, God’s Call and God’s Hope to be with Him in eternity.  The Word of God came to live among us to show us the Way to everlasting life.  Jesus’ life demonstrates the real purpose of our life, to be with God. 

So let each one of us follow the Way of the Lord as closely as we can and to best of our ability.  Let us give our will and our soul to God with humble and contrite hearts.  When we cross over to the great abyss the Word of God, Come to Me good and faithful servant, our life will be saturated with joy, heavenly joy.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]


May God Be Praised.

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