At today’s Salesian Saturday we will discuss “How do I Get Ready to Receive God’s Grace?” After our 30 minutes discussion there will be Eucharistic Adoration for one hour.
In our Gospel today two of John’s disciples hear John say, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew was one of the two who followed Jesus, and he went to Simon Peter [his brother] and said, “We have found the Messiah.”
Our Gospel Alleluia verse reminds us that God has spoken to us through the Son. Loving the Son invites us to pray inside the Trinity [Father-Son-Holy Spirit]. Many of us can remember where we were when we heard the news of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.
Can we recall a profound moment in our relationship with Jesus? You and I have answered the call to follow Jesus, so today we should spend some time reflecting on the “awful* grace of God,” we experienced when we fell in love with Him. [*awful in ancient Greek meant awe-inspiring or awesome]
May God Be Praised.