COVID 19 Pandemic Prayer
experts write about the characteristics of leaders, but really a little common
sense and reflection can help us figure what are the most important
characteristics of good leaders. Three
of the most important characteristics are: Trust, Vision and Respect for
others. Jesus is the leader
extraordinaire; James Hind wrote: “Christ
was the most effective executive in the history of the human race. The results He achieved are second to
none. In only three years, He defined a
mission and formed strategies and plans to carry it out. With a staff of twelve unlikely men, He
organized Christianity, which has grown to … 1.5 billion … He recruited,
trained, and motivated twelve ordinary men to become extraordinary. He is the greatest manager and developer of
people ever.” (The Heart & Soul of
Effective Management: A Christian Approach to Managing & Motivating People
(1973), p.13-14)
You and
I are called to be part on His organization Christianity, His vision statement
is for His followers to “Love God and love each other.” During the COVID 19 Pandemic loving God and
loving each other is challenged in many small ways. By living each day aware that COVID 19 has
temporarily altered our lifestyle, but not our choice to love God and love each
other, we can continue to focus on God's love.
see God in each person you interact with today, and if today you don’t interact
with anyone, see God in your mirror. St.
Augustine said, "There
are two loves, the love of God and the love of the world. If the love of the world takes possession of
you, there is no way for the love of God to enter into you. Let the love of the world take the second
place and let the love of God dwell in you. Let the better love take over."
Francis de Sales wrote, "Always
be impartial and just in your deeds.
Put yourself into
your neighbor’s place, and him in yours, and then you will judge fairly . . .
Frequently, therefore, examine your heart, whether it is so disposed towards
your neighbor, as you would have his disposed towards you, were you to change
places; for this is the true test."
“God takes pleasure to see
you take your little steps; and like a good father who holds his child by the
hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no
faster than you. Why do you worry?”
Let the
better love permeate you today and every day, take little steps toward Jesus
and He will guide you.
May God
Be Praised!