Monday, May 27, 2024

Blog Post 5/27/2024 – Memorial Day



Today we remember and offer prayers with grateful hearts to those who gave their lives that we could remain free.


Memorial Day is rooted in the Civil War.  “… John A. Logan, a former Federal general, who called for the first formal day of remembrance on May 30, 1868. School children were asked to spread flower pedals upon the graves of the war dead. Since that time the day has been changed to the last Monday in May and the concept has been expanded to include a remembrance of America's war dead sustained in all Her conflicts.”  []


This Memorial Day take some time to not only offer God your thanks, but to commit to being a peacemaker.  “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth”.

Our nation and our world need peace makers, please be one.


May God Be Praised.


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