Monday, January 24, 2022

Blog Post 1/24/2022 – Faith and the Art of Loving God

Faith and the Art of Loving God

Today is the feast day of DeSales University’s patron, St. Francis de Sales, his gentleness and optimism are greatly need in out time.

Faith is the willingness to accept the grace God gives us to believe, Jesus [true God & true man] dwelt among us to offer us a glimpse of the Father, an awareness of the Holy Spirit and to show us how God wants us to live.

St. Francis de Sales taught us that, “Our confidence in God must be founded on His infinite goodness and on the merits of the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, with this condition on our part: that we should preserve and recognize in ourselves an entire and firm resolution to belong wholly to God, and to abandon ourselves in all things, and without any reserve, to His Providence.

Observe that I do not say that we must feel this resolution to belong wholly to God, but only that we must have it and recognize it in ourselves; we must not concern ourselves with what we feel or do not feel, since the greater part of our feelings and satisfactions are only the movements of self-love. Neither must it be supposed that in all this practice of abandonment and indifference, we shall never have desires contrary to the will of God, or that nature will never shrink with repugnance from the dispositions of His good pleasure, for these will often occur.

The virtues of abandonment and indifference reside in the higher region of our soul….”  

[St. Francis deSales, The Art of Loving God, p. 22-23]

Strive for the virtues of abandonment and indifference they will serve you well.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

May God Be Praised and your day be Blessed.



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