Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blog Post – 12/22/2021 - When nothing is going right.



When nothing is going right.




Reflect on Meister Eckhart’s insight:

“You must bring God everything –

            Your dreams, your successes, your rejoicing.

     And if you have little to rejoice over, bring God that little.

And if your life seems only like a heap of fragments, bring God the fragments.

And if you have only empty hands, bring God your empty hands.

    Shattered hopes are God’s material; in God’s hands all is made good.

You must bring God everything!”

And then pray: “O God, bend my heart to follow Your will and prompt my voice to praise Your Holy Name, cleanse me from any worthless, evil, or distracting thoughts.   Grant me Your grace today – so I pray with reverence and love - in awe.   Listen to my pleas, hear my prayers, and answer me.  Guide me with Your Spirit that I may shine forth Your Radiance to the world.”  [Dcn. George Kelly] 


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us. 

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.


May God Be Praised and you be Blessed.



  1. Amen!
    Thanks, as ever, for your ministries, Deacon!
    Warm wishes & prayers for all good things & continued abundant blessings to you and yours, for Christmas, & always!
    Peace Num 6: 24-26

    1. May God’s light continue to illuminate your path, Merry & Blessed Christmas.
