Friday, November 13, 2020



Praise God the Creator





St. Bernard of Clairvaux said, "The true measure of loving God is to love Him without measure."


Sing in praise of Christ’s redeeming work (Saint Athanasius).


It is good to give thanks to the Lord, *

to make music to your name, O Most High,

to proclaim your love in the morning *

and your truth in the watches of the night,

on the ten-stringed lyre and the lute, *

with the murmuring sound of the harp….


Planted in the house of the Lord *

they will flourish in the courts of our God,

still bearing fruit when they are old, *

still full of sap, still green,

to proclaim that the Lord is just; *

in him, my rock, there is no wrong.  [Psalm 92]


Ant. As morning breaks we sing of your mercy, Lord, and night will find us proclaiming your fidelity.


Often, we forget to be grateful for the “ordinary” stuff of life, today give thanks to God for the “ordinariness” of your life.  “There’s more to get thrilled about in the ordinary than the extraordinary.” (Colors, “Time Well Spent”, pg. 73)

Today be grateful for the ordinary and sing God’s praises, asking for mercy.


May God Be Praised!


            A Prayer for Our Nation

Loving God help us to serve those who are shunned or eschewed; guide our civic leaders; bless our nation; and bestow Your grace upon our elected officials and anoint them with the desire to foster the common good.  Amen.   [Dcn. George Kelly]


COVID 19 Pandemic Prayer


Hear my cry!  “Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.”  You are my refuge and my hope, I turn to you during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….”

[Psalm 143 and Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic]


Provide strength to the first responders, compassion to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Send Your light to me as I wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give me hope in Your eternal love today and every day.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]







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