Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Greek mathematician Euclid developed the theorems and principles
that became the foundations of modern geometry.  When Euclid was a young teacher, he was employed as tutor in the royal household.  King Ptolemy I, who ruled Greece three centuries before Christ, complained about the difficulty of the theorems that Euclid expected him to grasp.

The king insisted that there must be an easier way to approach the subject.  The great mathematician gently rebuked the king:  "Sire, there is no royal road to geometry."

Jesus tells us very clearly, He is “…the way and the truth and the life.”
Sometimes we look at the Gospel from our modern perspective and dismiss what Jesus teaches as too unrealistic to deal with our modern complex problems.  We have many demands placed and expectations placed on us, BUT the prophet Micah summarizes what God wants of us:
1.    to do right,
2.    to love goodness
3.    & walk humbly with God!

Today Euclid might say - there is no high-tech, sophisticated, modern road to the Gospel; there is no royal road to the Gospel.  The Gospel challenges us to walk the hard, demanding road of Christ.  Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life, His Gospel is the “royal road”.

His is the Best WAY, the Royal Way, the Only Way!   

May God Be Praised!

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