Tuesday, June 9, 2020

St. Paul gave some startling advice to the Corinthians and to us; the Day of the Lord is near!  Paul believed that the return of Jesus, His Second Coming was imminent.
He lived his life accordingly.  We don’t know when the Lord’s 2nd Coming will be; so live like it is today!  If this was your last day on earth, I hope that you spend it not as you wish; BUT as God wanted you too.

St. Francis de Sales said, “Be who you are and be that well” – you and I are Jesus disciples and living His Beatitudes is who we are!  Matthew’s Beatitudes are called “The Sermon of the Mount” and Luke’s Beatitudes are called “The Sermon on the Pain”.  What is important for us is our call to live them. 

There is a Peanuts Cartoon where Peppermint Patty says to Charlie Brown, ‘Guess what, Chuck.  Today was the first day of school and I got sent to the Principal’s office.  It was your fault, Chuck!”

Charlie Brown replied, “My fault?  How could it be my fault?  Why do you say everything is my fault?  She said, “You should be a better influence on me.”  

Jesus and St. Paul do not want us to be seduced by our culture; after all those who are poor, hungry, hated and insulted are not the usual role models.  Jesus wants us to use Him as our G.P.S. and He will judge each one of us.  He will separate the sheep from the goats. 

Our final examination will be something like this:
1. How do you did respond when you were confronted by human need?

2. Did you feed the hungry, care for the ill, cloth the naked, were you a good listener for someone who need to be heard, did you share a meal with someone who was lonely, did you help someone deal with a broken heart, did you act against racism, did you help people breathe the Holy Spirit?

Jesus wants you and I to use His Gospel to guide our lives each day.  We are called to bring the Gospel message of Jesus to our culture, by the way we live. 
Take a few minutes today and think about what you would do if today is the Day of the Lord’s Return?

May God Be Praised!

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