Sunday, February 2, 2020

Do Religion and Science help or hinder each other?  I believe they support and enhance each other, maybe this story can illuminate why.


A young man entered the coach of a train in a small university town in France. The ink was scarcely dry on his newly acquired diploma.

As the train sped off for Paris, he took his seat in the rear of the coach near an elderly gentleman who seemed to be dozing. As the train suddenly lurched, a string of rosary beads fell from his hand. The young man picked up the rosary and handed it to the elderly gentleman with the remark, "I presume you are praying, sir?"

"You are right. I was praying."  "I am surprised," said the young fellow, "that in this day and age there is someone who is still so benighted and superstitious. Our professors at the university do not believe in such things," and he proceeded to "enlighten" his elderly fellow-passenger.  The old man expressed surprise and amazement.

"Yes," continued the young man, "today enlightened people don't believe in such nonsense."  "You don't say!" replied the old man.
"Yes, sir, and if you wish, I can send you some illuminating books."

"Very well," said the old man, preparing to leave as the train came to a stop. "You may send them to this address." He handed the young man a card, which read:
Louis Pasteur
Director of the Institute of Scientific Research


Science at its best shines some light on the Creator, and religion at its shines some light on the Creator, God awaits illumination from science, religion and us.
May God Be Praised!

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