Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Gift of Friendship

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure.  There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence.”  [Sirach 6:14-15]


“After a failed attempt to climb the infamous K-2, Greg Mortenson was saved by the villagers of the isolated, impoverished village of Korphe.  Mortenson returned their kindness by raising the funds to build a school for the village.
Greg learned an important lesson as he began his work.  With typical American gung-ho intensity, Greg was driving the villagers crazy with his meticulous orders and demands to work faster, harder and better. 
Finally, the village chief, a wise man Haji Ali, pulled Greg aside for tea.  As he poured the hot brew, he gave the young American this advice: If you want to survive in here you must respect our ways.  The first time you share tea with one of us, you are a stranger.  The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest.  The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family…. ‘We Americans think you have to accomplish everything quickly.’  Haji Ali taught me … to slow down and make building relationships as important as building projects. 
Jesus taught us that building relationships w/ love and trust is what Jesus’ disciples do!  The gift of God’s grace will be more apparent when we share three cups of tea, with those we want to help!" [Three Cups of Tea [Connections, September 2008]

St. Francis deSales advises us, “… judge with charity all that you see others doing.  When that is not possible, excuse them and pray for them.”  

Building relationships based on TRUST and LOVE takes time and energy.  Slow down a little today and look for God’s love around you, maybe even have three cups of tea.      

May God Be Blessed.

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