Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reflecting on the Voice of God

A little over three years ago, on Sunday July 29, 2018, my wife Joanne, my son Brian, and I attended Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Marietta, GA.  It is located a few blocks from the hospital where our daughter-in-law rests in God’s loving embrace in a medically induced coma.  The Lord spoke to me through the hymns we sang at Mass that Sunday.  God told me Laurie will recover as I sang: “Glory and praise to our God Who alone gives light to our days Many are the blessings He bears To those who trust in His ways.”

Then God said to me: Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love him; Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, teach us the wisdom of God.  When pain and sorrow weigh us down, be near to us, O Lord, forgive the weakness of our faith, and bear us up within your peaceful word.”

The Lord reminded me to follow Him, Wherever you go, I will go, Wherever you dwell, I will dwell; Your people will be my people, And your God will be my God.  Wherever you go, I will go, I will go.

As we sang Christ Be Our Light, I thought Dear God how could I doubt You are my LIGHT: Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.  Shine through the darkness Christ, be our light!  Shine in your church gathered today.

Our closing hymn was Amazing Grace and so I prayed in song Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound… Through many dangers, toils and snares We have already come. T'was grace that brought us safe thus far And grace will lead us home.”

I said a quiet thank you to the Lord for His care, concern, and healing of Laurie, then I asked if He would speed things up; God said much good work is being accomplished, she will be healed, TRUST me.

It is so very hard to see my son [Brian] suffer the cross he is carrying, but the Lord is walking with Brian each moment of his journey, and Brian’s walk is an inspiration to me and a gift to Laurie and hundreds of others. 

When you go Mass take your burdens and your joys then listen to the music, listen to the scripture readings, listen to the homily, listen to God talking with you, leading you, be fed by The Eucharist, food for the journey.

Join me and pray, “God, our refuge, and hope, we turn to You during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and compassion, You carry the dead home and give us grace to comfort each other.  As the Pandemic persists, in its Delta variant form and we try to return to ‘normal’ life, may that ‘normal’ be filled with prayer and thanksgiving for You and for the many blessings You give us.  May we follow Your Light as we continue our earthly journey and prepare for the gift of eternal life.”  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]


“Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.”  St. Brendan the Navigator

St. Joseph pray for us. 

St. Francis de Sales pray for us. 

May God Be Praised!

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