Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Coronavirus Prayer

Life lessons from Georgia, Delaware, the COVID-19 Pandemic and from Connections (May 2020)

Laurie Kelly’s progress continues, click on the link to see her on May 4, 2019 and May 4, 2020; continued prayer for Laurie, Brian and their children will be appreciated.

Liz & Kyle’s children see their brother for the first time via Facetime  [see below] on May 4, 2020, and yesterday Kellen David arrived home to meet his brothers and sister in person, please pray for the Koch’s and their new addition.

It’s been a difficult and trying Easter for all of us, but columnist Yvonne Abraham, writing in The Boston Globe [March 25, 2020], wonders if this Easter could be the beginning of something extraordinary:

“What would the world be like if the things that have become so important to us during this pandemic remained so? How would our lives look, if our values and priorities were frozen, right here? If we were always as kind to each other, and as worried about the world, as we are today?

“We would do just about everything differently.

“We would pay teachers (blessings be upon them!) as much as hedge-funders.

“Our hands would always be so clean, we could eat off them.

“We would have more respect, and money, for low-wage workers who deliver our basic needs: grocery store clerks and others who work to bring food to our tables; drivers who keep bringing packages to the doors of the luckiest among us; trash haulers and maintenance workers and janitors and others who put themselves at risk to protect us.

“We would really see the folks who work in restaurants, most of them for lousy money, and insist that they earn wages that match their dignity.

“We would leave bigger tips . . .

“We would spend less money on things that serve no purpose except to signal status, care less about impressing strangers, make more of what we have last. We would waste less, period . . .

“We would spend more time with our family and friends, and be more keenly aware of our massive good fortune to have them, especially the older ones.  We would hug longer, and linger in each other’s presence . . .

“We would love our neighbor. Yep, even that one.

“We would work together to make those who are alone feel less so . . .

“We would be more grateful for all we have, and more outraged at what others do not.

The most important question to think about as we continue our Pandemic Life is Will we be happier when the Pandemic ends and our new normal begins, how long and how loving will our memories be?

The Easter Season calls us to change for the better, COVID 19 urges us to change for the better, Laurie & Brian Kelly wants us to change for the better, Kellen David Koch wants to live in a better world, and Jesus wants us to become truly an Easter people during and after this Coronavirus Pandemic, if we do the world will be a better place and we will be better people.

May God Be Praised!

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