Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Take some time to think about and reflect upon the problem of pain and suffering, then take a few minutes to read St. Francis de Sales and Jeff Cavins’ insights on one who loves God fully and totally.

“A truly loving heart loves God’s good pleasure, not only in consolations but also in afflictions, trials and crosses.  In fact, in such cases it even loves more.  Love just does this, it makes the lover ready to suffer for the beloved."  [St. Francis de Sales]

“From the beginning human beings have been plagued by the question of suffering.  Why .... not until we come to Christ that we understand the full redemptive dimension of suffering.  Christ Jesus conquered suffering by love.  Because we are joined to him, our suffering takes on redemptive value.”  [Jeff Cavins]

Suffering is a profoundly difficult human problem to deal with, to comprehend!  Why is there suffering if God is all loving, all good and all-powerful?

Why does anyone suffer?  Why does God permit suffering?  The truth is I don’t know, but I am very interested in finding out!

You and I will not fully understand the why of suffering until we arrive at our eternal reward.  Eugene Kennedy said, “Heartbreak is impossible unless there is great love.  Without love, sorrow and tears would disappear.”

But Why?                                       

Let me share the story about a rabbi who lived about 500 years before Christ.  One day he was teaching his students and foreign troops invaded their village.  They witnessed the fire, the killing and the mayhem.  Finally, the rabbi looked up to heaven and screamed, “If only I were God!’

One of his students said to him, ‘what would you do differently if you were God?”  He said I would do nothing differently, but “I would understand!”     

Our loving God and Creator sent us His Son, who showed us how
to handle suffering.  When Jesus suffered, He offered His suffering to God the Father and it was anointed by the Holy Spirit.  You and I are called to do the same and trust me it is not easy.

There is no answer to the WHY of pain and suffering this side of the grave, however one day we will understand, until then follow the path of Jesus and offer your pain and suffering up, ask God to bless it and make good come from it.

Love of God can enable us to offer up our suffering and allow for the why of suffering to be God’s purview alone.  Trusting that God will share the reason when it is the right moment.

May God Be Praised!

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