Friday, May 17, 2019

A few additional thoughts on Prayer for you to reflect upon.

St. Francis de Sales wrote, “Mental prayer is no less useful to us or less pleasing to God when we suffer many distractions.
As a matter of fact, it could be more useful than if we had many consolations, because it means harder work for us.
It suffices that we faithfully try to drive away the distractions, not allowing our spirit to dwell on them willingly.
The same can be said of the difficulties we meet from day to day in keeping our spirit recollected in God and in heavenly things.
In all this we need patience.
We must never grow tired, doing everything for the love of God.” 
                                                                        (Spiritual Treatises IX; O. VI, p. 14)

“Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.
You are faithful, you are just; give answer….
Make me know the way I should walk; to you I lift up my soul ….
Teach me to do your will for you, O Lord, are my God.”
                                                                                                                                                                  (from Psalm 143)
“To believe is to be drawn.  To be drawn ever closer to God, into God’s hands.”   
[St. Francis de Sales, Treatise on the Love of God] 

Teilhard de Chardin prayed, “Above all, trust the slow work of God.  We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay …. Give Our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you, & accept the anxiety of feeling your self in suspense & incomplete.”                                                                            (Patient Trust)

Lord, grant me the grace to know Your answer to my prayer, and live your answer.

May God Be Praised!

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