Saturday, September 7, 2024

Blog Post Homily Offered at OLPH for Salesian Saturday 9/07/2024 - Cultivate the Garden of your soul.

Cultivate the Garden of your soul.

St. Paul reminds us not to play favorites or foster class distinctions.  The Pharisees criticized Jesus and His Disciples for “working on Sunday.”  But we are called to “Be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect.”

How?  Maybe this story can help.

Jimmy O’Toole found a messy plot of land, then spent weeks cleaning out the debris, racking and fertilizing the soil.  He planted flowers, carefully watered them and after a few months his garden was a thing of beauty.  One day as he was admiring his garden, Fr. O’Reilly walked past and said to him.  "O'Toole what a fine garden you and the Lord have made." 

O’Toole said "Father you should have seen it when the Lord had it by Himself!Today’s readings remind us that we should cultivate the garden of our soul.  A garden is meant to be beautiful & fruitful, filled with life & fragrance, but a garden must be maintained.”  [St. Francis de Sales]

Ask the Lord for His grace to guide you in cultivating the garden of your soul; in that garden and allow God’s Grace to fill you.  Then share your glimpse of God’s goodness.

May God Be Praised.



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