Friday, September 20, 2024

Blog Post 9-20-2024 Homily Cycle II Offered at OLPH School Mass


Readings for the Memorial of Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs

In St. Luke’s Gospel Jesus said, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

We were Baptized to follow Jesus. Our Catholic religion is blessed with practices, rituals, prayers, and symbols to help us learn about God and nourish our love of God. Their purpose is to remind God’s love for us. Fr. Marty frequently mentions to us that the Mass is the “source & summit” of our Faith. Our job is to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind.

Mass gives us the opportunity to grow closer to God, and if we think about why we do what we are doing; it can help us love God more. You are familiar with Mass, so this morning I want to reflect on three parts and what they mean.

One, as we enter church, we dip our hand in the Holy Water and make the Sign of the Cross. As we bless ourselves be mindful that we are praying to the Father who created us, Son who redeemed us & Holy Spirit who guides us and as bonus the Holy Water points to our Baptism. The Sign of the Cross helps us to remember to follow God’s Will. Our Faith is enriched by our active participation in Mass, by receiving Holy Communion and by praying.

Two, we listen to the readings from the Scriptures [God’s Holy Word] and to listen the Homily which break open God’s Word.

Three, is the most important the priest, in persona Christi prays over the gifts of bread and wine [today Fr. Tauber [in persona Christi] in the person of Christ offers the prayer of Consecration [Eucharistic Prayer] and the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  Remember that big word – Transubstantiation, it means the essence changed but not the appearance.

Jesus in today's Gospel calls each one of us to follow Him and Trust Him, each time you bless yourself remember that you are promising to follow Jesus; so, bless yourself often.  When you see or hear an emergency vehicle bless yourself and say a prayer, when you are watching TV and some urgent situation is presented bless yourself and say a prayer and when you see or hear of something good happening bless your self and say a prayer of thanksgiving.

May God Be Praised.

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