Saturday, September 2, 2023

Blog Post 9/02/2023

Homily Cycle I 9/02/2023 Offered at OLPH.

Since it is Salesian Saturday, it is appropriate to start my homily with this quote from de Sales, “Let God be the air in which your heart breathes at ease.” Today’s parable might cause our breathing to increase dramatically increase because it reminds us that one day, we will meet our Creator and be asked to provide an accounting of our life.

Bishop Barron shared this powerful insight into to today’s Gospel, he received it from a scripture scholar who taught with him ]Barron] at Mundelein Seminary.  Fr. Schoenstene said, the talents represent the mercy of God when we participate in God’s divine love.  God’s mercy is freely given to us, and we are called to give it to others as pure gift.  Today’s Gospel reminds that the divine gifts that we are given stayed buried unless we give them away.

Take a few minutes to reflect on whether you are giving God’s mercy away, in fact do you, “Let God be the air in which your heart breathes at ease.”

May God Be Praised.


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