Friday, June 17, 2022

Blog Post 6/17/2022 - A Thought About Baptism


In our Baptismal rite we pray that the parents (and the Godparents) will keep the light of Christ burning brightly, that they be the best of teachers by their actions, by their witness to the faith.


Josh McDowell tells a story about an executive head-hunter who said, "When I get an executive that I'm trying to hire for someone else, I like to disarm him.  I offer him a drink, take my coat off, undo my tie, until the exec is all relaxed.  When I think I've got him relaxed, I look him square in the eye and say, "What's your purpose in life?"


It's amazing how top executives fall apart at that question.  “… I was interviewing somebody the other day, had him all disarmed.  I looked at him and said, 'What's your purpose in life, Bob?'


And without blinking an eye, he said 'To go to heaven & take as many people with me as I can.' For the first time in my career, I was speechless."  (Sermons, July 4, 2010) 


Maybe these ?s can help us assess where we are spiritually and where we are in our commitment to Jesus. 

How committed are you to making a moral difference by the way you live? 

Does the Common Good enter into your analysis of politics and/or the economy?

Are you more concerned (or most) concerned about what is in it for you?

If someone compliments you for being successful: do they mean big home, expensive car? or do they mean living a good life loving your spouse, your children,  your family, your friends?


Do you trust that God is all you need?


Take a few minutes today to reflect on those questions and what your purpose in life is?


May God Be Blessed!


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