Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Blog Post 6/14/2022 – Reflecting on THE MOST HOLY TRINITY [continued]



Appropriately we are on our third day reflecting on the MOST HOLY TRINITY.  One of my favorite stories about the Blessed Trinity comes from my ancestral land, Ireland.  I don’t know if it is a true story or not, but it worth sharing.  At the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation the Bishop [as Bishops traditionally do] was asking the candidates for Confirmation some questions about the faith. 

The bishop asked about the Trinity, a young man offered this response “one in three and three in one”, the Bishop responded, “I don’t understand”, the young man said, “You’re not supposed to Bishop, it is a mystery.”

Although the Trinity is a mystery, we can reflect on it and develop a deeper understanding of it, realizing that we will not fully understand it here on earth. The Bishop of Perth in Ireland preached in 2017 on Trinity Sunday, one the insights he shared was this, “At the very heart of the mystery of the Trinity, of course, is the realization that God is not isolated and alone but is, in fact, in some mysterious way, a communion of life and love. We have been taught by the Scriptures to speak of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these names all point to the idea of relationships.”

The Trinity calls each one of us to a relationship with God, the God who loves us totally.  Spending time reflecting on that is a “good waste of time.”  Lord, give us the courage to profess our faith by the life we lead, wasting time inside the Trinity, Father, son and Holy Spirit.            

Think about this powerful piece of advice from St. Francis de Sales, "From time to time, withdraw yourself from the company of other people so that you can peacefully talk with God about the interests of your soul."  God Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [God] be praised!


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