Sunday, May 7, 2023

Blog Post 5/07/2023 - "From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised." [Psalm 113:3]


"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised."  [Psalm 113:3]



A student asks his teacher a question: “Will you punish me for something I did not do?”  The teacher responds: “Of course not!”  The young man replies: “Good, because I didn’t do my homework.”


Today we aren’t checking homework, but we are going to briefly explore a name, so let’s take some time to think about a name.  What is in a name?  A name can be or mean many things but one element common in a name – is it the heart or the essence of something or someone.


Ideally, we should praise God’s name without ceasing. We are fortunate because we can praise Abba, Jesus or the Paraclete, the Father, the Son, and/or the Holy Spirit.  God calls to each of us in the Scripture, “By name have I called you, by name I have saved you, by name you are mine… You are precious to me.”  St. Francis de Sales wrote, “Do all things in the name of God, and you will do all things well.  Whether you eat or drink; work or sleep, you will profit greatly before God by doing all these things as God wants them done."


Take some time today and remind your self about how precious, lovely and enriching the Holy Name of JESUS is, God the Father is, God the Holy Spirit is; One God, Three Persons.  The manner and tone we use when we talk with our brothers and sisters should be respect, care, and a deep abiding love, because each one of them is made in the image and likeness of God.


Reflect on God, God’s name, remembering the scripture, “By name have I called you, by name I have saved you, by name you are mine… You are precious to me.”


God has called you by name, you are precious to the Lord your God.


May God Be Praised.


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