Saturday, February 25, 2023

Blog Post 2/25/2023 – Self-Worth? – A Lenten Reflection



Self-Worth? – A Lenten Reflection



There is an old rabbinic story about a faithful Jew who every morning wrote on a piece of paper, “ I am but dust and ashes” then he put the paper in his pocket.  Throughout the day he would take it out and read it, this prayer spoken originally by Abraham [Genesis 18:27] served as reminder of his unworthiness and humility before God.

One day he showed his paper to his rabbi; the rabbi was moved by the man’s reverence. Then the rabbi took a piece of paper and wrote, “For my sake, the universe was created.”

The rabbi asked the man to carry these words as well and said “Let there be a balance in your life.  Realize that of yourself, before God, you are nothing – but because you are created in God’s image, out of love, you possess the greatest dignity imaginable: you are a child of God.”

As we prepare for Lent realizing our sinfulness, may we strike a “… balance between realizing our humility before God and our identity as God’s beloved.” [Connections, February 26, 2012“Striking a balance]

This Lent as your work to reduce or eliminate your sins, spend some time thanking God for the good that you have done and the glimpses of God you have shown to the world.


May God Be Praised.

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