Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We know that someday each of us is going to die and we know that Jesus will return some day!  But we don’t know when for either of those events.  During Advent the Church reminds us that Jesus told us to “Stay Awake”, to prepare, to get ready!

St. Paul said we should prepare!  We should PREPARE for the Kingdom of God.  Think about it for a minute, Athletes prepare, musicians prepare, artists prepare, people in business prepare, people prepare for retirement, children and their parents prepare for college, etc, etc.

We live in a world preparing, BUT are we PREPARING for the most IMPORTANT thing?  God’s Heavenly Kingdom!  As we live our Advent this year, let’s pay attention to God in our lives, in the sounds, and in the moments.  To be aware of God in our midst, we need to pray more faithfully, more attentively.

How can we do that?

1.   Spend some time in prayer each day (3 minutes – 3 hours).
2.   During our prayer allow God’s grace to touch our hearts, our minds, and our wills.
3.   Focus each day of Advent doing God’s will!

Advent reminds us to be filled with HOPE because our God will not leave us orphaned; our God will return and take us to Himself.  St. James said, “Draw near to God AND God will draw near to you.”

Advent reminds each of us to draw NEAR to God, to SEEK God, to HOPE in God; and INVITE God in our hearts!

May God Be Praised!

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