Sunday, June 23, 2019

We are called to a personal relationship with God and it requires us to listen attentively (active listening) to God and then do God’s will!

We pray, “The Lord is my light & my salvation … of whom should I be afraid?  I long to live in the house of the Lord…”  Think for a few moments do you really want to “…live in the house of the Lord.”  
What kind of house are you building in God’s kingdom?  A house built with mercy, compassion, justice & love, or a house of selfishness, greed, jealously & materialism?

St. Paul teaches us not to overly focus on “earthly things” because “…our citizenship is in heaven…”  Jesus knows that we are human & that our spiritual life needs a spiritual vision!

In Proverbs (29:18) we read, “Without a VISION the people will perish” in the Gospel account of the Transfiguration Jesus takes Peter, John & James with him to pray and on Mt. Tabor they (Peter, John, & James) are given a glimpse of “magnificent holiness,” a glimpse of Jesus glorified before His death and resurrection! They “…see the light of God’s divinity dwelling within [Jesus] him.” (Connections March 2007)

Maybe this story can help us, “The Color of Water”, a woman who had never seen the ocean before went on a cruise. On the voyage she was captivated by the variety of colors she saw in different parts of the ocean – azure, turquoise, aquamarine, emerald.  She collected samples of each hue in small bottles.  When she returned home, she wanted to show her friends the magnificent colors she had seen.  But when she poured the contents of each bottle into separate glasses to show them, she was shocked to see that all they contained was water – colorless, translucent, ordinary water.  “What was missing of course was light. The light of the sun … brought out the magnificent colors she had seen in the ocean water.” (Connections March 2007)

Peter, John, & James recognized Jesus’ divinity dwelling within Him & shining through Him!  Our challenge is to allow the light of God that dwells within us to shine through.  Beyond our needs, beyond our wants, to allow God’s light to shine brightly!
Allow the light of Christ to shine through today, and when tomorrow gets here it will be today and you can allow the light of Christ to shine through you again.

May God Be Praised!

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