Thursday, June 13, 2019

A wonderful story to start a rainy Thursday, may your day be blessed.

Some things change, but Scripture & Tradition are pillars for us and for our children to anchor our lives.  Carl Jung said, “Christians often ask why God does not speak to them, as they believe God did in former days."

When I hear such questions, it makes me think of the rabbi who was asked how it could be that God was manifest to people in the olden days whereas nowadays nobody ever sees God.

The rabbi replied, ‘Nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.’”  Teaching our children to bow low enough, to bend & to mold their wills to do God’s will – is teaching them to bow low enough.

Melissa Musick Nussbaum tells the story of Ed the sacristan.  For years he cooked at the parish picnic and at pancake suppers. 

He and his wife, Marge, regularly hosted the Interfaith Hospitality night when homeless families dine and sleep in our parish….  He would rise early & make eggs & pancakes,… to help them face a cold world. 

He and Marge hosted the families’ days before his death.  Ed was at Mass when his dying began.  He fainted, falling to the floor.  His wife revived him and led him outside to wait for the ambulance. 

Lying there in front of the church, he began to shake & gasp for breath.
His wife looked up to see an elderly man coming out of the church, making his slow, shuffling way toward them.  He carried a portable oxygen canister & wore the plastic (tubes) in his nose. 

His breath was audible and labored.  At last he reached Ed & his wife. 
Stiffly, he knelt on the ground and removed the tubes from his nose. 
Then gently, he placed them in my Ed’s nose, sending the oxygen into
his starved and dying lungs.  The three of them stayed there, together, until medical help arrived.  They waited, three people who can bow low enough.  (Surrender to the Divine, Nussbaum)

Today commit to Live Jesus!  Your example of a faith filled life is the greatest gift you can give your children and every person you meet!


May God Be Praised!

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