Monday, September 10, 2018

Let us adore Christ who offered himself to the Father through the
Holy Spirit to cleanse us from the works of death.
Let us adore him and call upon him with sincere hearts:

In your will is our peace, Lord.

From your generosity we have received the beginning of this day,
grant us also the beginning of new life.

In your will is our peace, Lord.

You created all things, and now you provide for their growth,
may we always perceive your handiwork in creation.

In your will is our peace, Lord.

With your own blood, you ratified the new and eternal covenant,
may we remain faithful to that covenant by following your precepts.

In your will is our peace, Lord.

On the cross, blood and water flowed from your side,
may this saving stream wash away our sins and gladden the City of

In your will is our peace, Lord.  [Morning Prayer Week II]

May God Be Praised!

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