Friday, October 4, 2024

Blog Post 10-04-2024 - How to discern true value!

Pope Francis teaches us, "When the treasure and the pearl are discovered, that is, when we have found the Lord, we must not let this discovery become barren, but rather sacrifice everything else in order to acquire it. It is not a question of disdaining the rest but of subordinating them to Jesus, putting him in first place; grace in first place.

The disciple of Christ is not one who has deprived himself of something essential; he is one who has found much more: he has found the complete joy that only the Lord can give. It is the evangelical joy of the sick who have been healed; of the pardoned sinners, of the thief for whom the doors of heaven open."

Chose to work on being a disciple of Christ, one filled with joy.


May God Be Praised.


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