Monday, May 20, 2024

Blog Post 5/20/2024 – As Ordinary time starts a look back at Easter’s Meaning



Fr. Brian McDermott S.J. offered three profound claims regarding Easter:

“1. God does not allow death to sever the relationships God has with God’s friends.
2. The only kind of human death that is authentic and real, in God’s eyes, is that death is the passage from narrower life to greater life.
3. All genuine communion experienced in this life—the communion of family life, of married life, of friendship—will be preserved, healed, and transformed in the new mode of existence, which is resurrection.” 
[Adopted from, Easter Message of Fr. Jim Greenfield O.S.F.S. 3/31/2024].

He offers us a concise summary of the Easter Mystery.  Easter is a reminder from God that all is not lost through sin, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ offers HOPE. 

Yes, fear and sadness still pervade our lives reminding us of our sinfulness, but the light breaking through the empty tomb forever shows us the Way.


Today say thank you to Jesus for His Love, His Gospel & His Gospel.


May God Be Praised

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