Saturday, May 11, 2024

Blog Post 5/11/2024 - What is precious in your life?


A monk found a precious stone put it in his travel bag.  A short time later, the monk met a traveler, who … asked the monk if he would share some of his provisions.                           

When the monk opened his bag, the traveler saw the precious jewel and asked the monk if he could have it; the monk gave it to him.  The traveler departed quickly, overjoyed with his new possession.                 

A few days later, he came back, found the monk and returned the jewel to him.  He asked: "Please give me something more valuable, more precious than this jewel.  Please give me that which enabled you to give me this precious stone!"

[ James W. Moore, Some Things Are Too Good Not To Be True, Dimensions, p. 101]


Today take a few minutes, in silence, to reflect on what is precious in your life ?


May God Be Praised




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