Sunday, May 12, 2024

Blog Post 5/12/2024 - Mother’s Day


Today we remember & celebrate Mothers: “Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so You watch over Your Church; bless all women who encourage and love.  May their example of faith and encouragement shine forth each day.  Grant them the respect and profound love they deserve for sharing their glimpse of Your Divine Goodness.”


Prayers today to God Almighty for the Blessed Mother, for my mother, my wife, my daughter, my daughters-in-law and all the mothers in the world that God may grant them the grace to see their wonderful vocations as mothers and the gift they are to their children.  Read this peom and thank God for your Mom.


Child, Though I Take Your Hand


Child, though I take your hand
and walk in the snow;
though we follow the track of the mouse together,
though we try to unlock together the mystery
of the printed word, and slowly discover
why two and three make five
always, in an uncertain world –

child, though I am meant to teach you much,
what is it, in the end,
except that together we are
meant to be children
of the same Father
and I must unlearn
all the adult structure
and the cumbering years

and you must teach me
to look at the earth and the heaven
with your fresh wonder.

[No One Can Stem the Tide, by Jane Tyson Clement]



May God Be Blessed!


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