Friday, January 26, 2024

Blog Post 1/26/2024 – Revelation & Isaiah provide us a glimpse of what to Hope For!



I heard a voice proclaiming from the throne: Now God has a dwelling place among men, and he will live with them; they will be his people and he, their God, will be with them. 

The Lord will cast down death for ever and wipe the tears from every face.  They will be his people and he, their God, will be with them.  [Revelation 21:3; Isaiah 25:8]


Reflect on what will be the wonderful gift of eternity with the Lord.

May God Be Praised.



  1. Amen.
    Thanks, as ever, Deacon George, for this & all your ministry, as well as your lived witness!
    Blessings / Peace

  2. Irish Tombstone Epitaph

    "Remember me as you pass by,
    for as you are, so once was I.
    As I am now, you too will be,
    so be content to follow me."

    ( Irish wag had added tombstone graffiti below epitaph. )

    "To follow you, I am content.
    I wish I knew which way you went!"

    1. The Irish have many powerful insights. Thank you.
