Friday, April 30, 2021

"Be who you are are and be that well"



Fr. Jim Finnegan, OSFS shared a story about a father and his son [the son was a developmentally delayed young man].  The Dad went to confession and when he was finished, he asked Fr. Finnegan if he would hear his son’s confession, Father Finnegan said yes. 


Fr. Finnegan asked the young man, “What did God do for you?”   The young man answered God has given me loving parents, a nice home and friends.


Then Fr. Finnegan asked the young man, “What have you done for God?”

His answer was profound, “I be me!”


We were created by God to reflect God’s love and care, His forgiveness and mercy to those we meet.  We were created to “Be who you are and be that well.”  [St. Francis de Sales]


Take each moment, each action and make it a gift to Our Lord Jesus.  To do this you need to base your life on plan on WISDOM:


1. knowledge of self

2. compassion for others                        

3. friendship with God


God will take care of everything else.


St. Joseph pray for us.

St. Andre Bessette intercede for us.

May God Be Praised!





  1. Jim Finnegan would be proud. Well done and said. Hope all is well

    1. Thank you, Jim Finnegan was a wonderful man and priest.
