Monday, July 8, 2024

Blog Post 7/08/2024 Gifts from the Holy Spirit


Gifts given to us to share with the world, the message of God’s discipleship, where our true joy is found.  Cardinal Dolan offered this insight into our three most recent Popes – St. John Paul II, [the late Emeritus Pope] Benedict XVI and [Pope] Francis.  He said all three "are all giants," yet each "has particular talents." 


John Paul II emphasized the soul, with his eloquent call to prayer & the revival of the spirit. 









Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the head, renewing the Church's vast intellectual heritage, reminding us  that faith and reason are allies. 










Pope Francis emphasizes the heart: warmth, mercy, joy, tenderness, outreach, acceptance and love.


We are called by God to share our glimpse of God with the world, and our world desperately need that glimpse.


May God Be Praised.


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