Friday, June 21, 2024

Blog Post 6/21/2024 – An Important Message from Jesus, “Follow Me”!



Wendy Wright said, “The human heart despite the centuries has not changed, its’ fundamental rhythm is still the heartbeat of God.” 

Our time on earth is to live the fundamental rhythm of our heartbeat, and when we do Jesus will lead us inside the Trinity to life everlasting, even if we are unaware of it.


Bishop Barron commenting on John’s Gospel [21:20-25] wrote, “Here at the close of John’s Gospel we can take this command to heart.  What does following Jesus involve?  True conversion—the metanoia that Jesus talks about—is so much more than moral reform, though it includes that. It has to do with a complete shift in consciousness, a whole new way of looking at one’s life. Jesus offered a teaching that must have been gut-wrenching to his first-century audience: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”


God the Father said, “Listen to Him”, sage advice.


May God Be Praised.


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