Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Daily Dose of God

Yesterday I had the singular privilege of giving Holy Communion for the first time to my twin granddaughters, Abigail & Beatrice.  As a deacon I have been blessed many times by God through my ministry in Church, but the gift of sharing the Body & Blood of our Savior with my grandchildren is a poignant and wonderful Experience, that I am unable to capture in words. 

Eight years ago in January 2012 my parish community, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, prayed for them [along with family and friends] because they were born prematurely (weighing under 3 lbs. each), they not only survived, but have thrived.  So, to be with them, their parents [photo above], and family members was emotionally packed.  Gratitude filled my heart for people who prayed for them and cared for them while they spent weeks in the neonatal unit at St. Luke’s Hospital

I filled up giving them Communion and again when they gave a rose to the Blessed Mother & (then) to their Mother.  The gift of the Eucharist is a singularly unique gift from Jesus Christ, first to His Apostles, then through Holy Mother Church, down through the ages to us.  Pictured below are the twins with their Mom in the hospital when my daughter-in-law held them for the first time, with their Mom and Dad yesterday and several other 1st Holy Communion photos.

A beautiful and angelic cantor led the singing at the Mass yesterday, their Grandmother and my lovely wife (Joanne).  May the gift of the Eucharist always be, the most precious gift for them, and may God’s blessing be upon them today and every day.

May God Be Praised!



Continue to pray, Hear my cry!  “Lord, listen to my prayer: turn your ear to my appeal.” You are my refuge and my hope, I turn to you during this COVID 19 Pandemic and plead for Your intercession.  In Your mercy and Your compassion “… grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick ….”
[Psalm 143 and Collect from Mass Time in Pandemic]

Provide strength to the first responders, compassion to the medical personnel, and wisdom to government leaders.  End this coronavirus scourge.  Send Your light to me as I wander in the darkness of this pandemic and give me hope in Your eternal love today and every day.  Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly]

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