Friday, July 10, 2020

“What difference does Jesus make in your life?”  The Gospels challenge us to be the best that we can be, the best that God calls us to be!

There is an ancient Native American story about an Eagle egg that accidently got in the nest of a Prairie Chicken.  The egg hatched and grew up thinking it was a Prairie Chicken.  The Eagle did what Prairie Chickens do; scratch in the dirt for seeds, clucked and cackled, it never flew more than a few feet off the ground, because that is what prairie chickens did.  

 Then, one day it saw an Eagle flying majestically in the sky, and it asked the other prairie chickens: "What is that beautiful bird?"  The Prairie Chickens replied, "That is an Eagle, it is a great bird, but you cannot fly like it you are just a prairie chicken."  So, the Eagle got the wrong message and lived the life of a prairie chicken. 


 We give messages; you and I are called to give the Gospel Message, to be the Eagles of our land!  St. Francis de Sales put it this way, “A wise silence is preferable to uncharitable truth.”  Correcting others, offering them advice, challenging them to honestly look at their behavior is hard.  When encouraging someone to change, we should follow the advice of St. Francis de Sales, “A spoon full of honey gets more flies than a barrel full of vinegar.”

We must LISTEN to God and follow God’s WORD in our own lives.  St. Paul reminds us, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Building relationships based on TRUST and LOVE takes time and energy.

May God Be Blessed!

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