Thursday, March 19, 2020


As we continue to pray for the end of the coronavirus in our nation and throughout the world, may our spirits be lifted knowing that the Lord Jesus is walking with us and with all those trying to end this crisis.

May these short reflections on COVID 19, strenghten our hope.

“Tonight, before falling asleep think about when we will return to the street.

When we hug again, when all the shopping together will seem like a party.

Let's think about when the coffees will return to the bar, the small talk, the photos close to each other.

We think about when it will be all a memory, but normality will seem an unexpected and beautiful gift.

We will love everything that has so far seemed futile to us.  

Every second will be precious.

Swims at the sea, the sun until late, sunsets, toasts, laughter.

We will go back to laughing together.

Strength and courage."  Pope Francis 

“Tonight, when you go to bed ask Jesus for strength, courage and wisdom from the Holy Spirit to follow God, to sleep in God’s mercy and to do God’s will.”  [Dcn. Kelly]

 May God Be Praised!

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